Delssy Cabrera’s Curative Ayahuasca Experience

Delssy nature
Delssy Cabrera







Ayahuasca – The Gateway to the Spirit World

“We are not talking about passive agents of transformation, we are talking about an intelligence, a consciousness, an alive and other mind, a spirit, which of course we have no place in our society. Nature is alive and is talking to us. This is not a metaphor.” – Terrance McKenna

Natalie Loubier
By: Natalie Loubier






What is Ayahuasca?

ayahuasca_leaf_and_vineaya brewAyahuasca translates to “Spirit of the vine.” This Peruvian brew of the Amazon jungle is concocted specifically from the Banisteriopsis vine, mixed with the leaves of dimethyltryptamine-containing (DMT) species of shrubs. It is very important to understand that although Ayahuasca is a hallucinogenic medicine, it is absolutely not used as a recreational drug. Ayahuasca is a very powerful and very sacred plant medicine that has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon for the purposes of healing, spiritual development and divination. Primarily it is used for healing. Ayahuasca is essentially a medicine for the soul that works on all levels of your Being – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Ayahuasca ceremonies are safely led by an experienced shaman and are generally extremely beneficial. The experience can often be very intense, and for the purposes of healing, you may relive some traumatic or intensely emotional experiences from your past. Purging the negative (mental, emotional, physical stuff etc.) is considered an essential part of the healing process during the Ayahuasca experience, which may involve vomiting and diarrhea. By bringing more conscious awareness to ourselves, Ayahuasca often helps us to become better people. Drinking Ayahuasca is a spiritual experience that often leads to profound insights that may cause you to make some very life-altering decisions. Do not take this medicine lightly!


 Delssy Cabrera

Delssy is such an inspirational friend with a genuine, pure heart. She is a talented painter, an admirer of gemstones, as well as a Kundalini Reiki energy healer.

A few weeks ago I expressed to Delssy how much I admire her as an artist and friend, and wanted to feature her in Wake this month. Talk about Divine timing! She told me about her exciting invitation to attend a three day Ayahuasca ceremony the same weekend. Delssy had just done her first healing booth the previous Saturday at a yoga dance and meditation healing event, taking some of her healing jewelry and doing some Reiki healing. Lately she feels she is embarking on the right path, and after having undergone drastic transformation it would be an important time to experience Ayahuasca. After the experience, Delssy expressed that it was an amazing learning and cleansing experience for her which she would love to share with others. I am so honored to be able to be a part of this.

 Delssy Shares Her Transformational Ayahuasca Experience

I recently participated in this 3 day long “Ayahuasca Ceremony.” This was something I always thought I would like to experience as I am constantly looking for things to help me expand my vision and understanding of things, in this case; the possibility of taking a peak into the spirit world was very tempting. So the opportunity eventually arrived! One of my co-workers (a very self-centered Peruvian woman) brought this event to my attention, soon to happen in our hometown. Without any doubt I reserved my seat. As the date approached, I became more and more excited, and even a bit anxious. I couldn’t help doing some research including watching some documentaries about the sacred Peruvian medicine. I knew it would be a powerful experience, and it was. Not powerful in the way it is mostly portrayed in the media (being something that spanks you if you’ve been bad) but powerful in its subtle, deep way of healing. According to the Shaman, a Peruvian native who went from being a Psychotherapist to being an ancestral medicine healer, there was a need to fill in the gap between the “physical” and the “spiritual.” Having realized that no matter how good of a “talk” therapy was, it never fully worked on relieving his patients of their emotional blockages and traumas. This is because the “energy body” plays an important role in the human psyche. Unfortunately, conventional medicine and psychological treatments disregard the existence of “subtle energy” or an “energy body.” Dr. Pio Vucetich is not only a Psychotherapist who realized how inadequate it is to attempt to heal traumas without addressing the energy body. He himself took the medicine multiple times as part of his initiation process; personally discovering the healing effects. He became an apprentice and learned from other skilled shamans. He has now been practicing for decades and is invited to conferences world-wide.


On the first day of the ceremony, I had come “prepared.” After following a rigorous diet of plant-based meals low in sodium and sugar, I was ready to live the experience. I didn’t know what to expect, I thought it would do good to protect myself in some way. I brought some of my crystals and eagle feathers, along with some prayers. There was a slight feeling of “risk” in me influenced by what I had watched in documentaries and read online. Facing the spirit world includes the “good” and “not so good” experiences, I thought.

I was surprised when the shaman finally entered the room. He looked like an ordinary man, not a single element to think of him as a shaman. No altar setting with candles, incense, or deities. He sat on his chair and started talking about what to expect and how to work with the medicine. The first thing he told us was that this would not be a “hallucinogenic” experience with Mickey Mouse images. That our role was not as “spectators” but rather to work with the medicine in order to release our energy blockages and incorporate powerful elements. In order to do this, he instructed us to do a strong blow when certain images such as cold-blooded animals or insects entered our visions (except for the butterfly, this one was good to incorporate for transformation, and the anaconda; for helping us heal emotional needs) and to do the opposite (sucking air inward through the lips) for the animals that are predators in order to take their energy with us, and placing them on our back or private part if these were very sexual. Also, birds with great vision such as eagles and owls were to be placed on our eyes or third eye. For things that represented abundance such as fruits or coins, we were to incorporate and place in our hands in order to stimulate abundance in our lives. Earthy things were to be placed at our feet, and loving memories or images were to go to our heart. If we happened to experience a negative feeling such as nausea or sadness, we had to keep exhaling until these faded away. All visions represented a part of us, some type of diagnosis we had to work with. For example, seeing spiders represented jealousy, and snakes had to do with envy. Everything you see or experience through the medicine reveals you something about you.

meditationMy first experience was very pleasant. As I laid down on my yoga mat waiting for the medicine to start working, I slowly began to feel extremely relaxed. Right about that time, the Shaman started to sing “icaros” (a mixture of singing and whistling in Spanish and Quechua). The icaros are used to enhance or bring down the visionary effects of the medicine, remove dark energies, and for protection. I soon gained the sensation of flowing water throughout my body. It was the most comfortable and amazing type of relaxation I have ever experienced. I experienced seeing many eyes, mostly in pairs. My visions were never colorful, but rather translucent. I also encountered a number of animals such as eagle, owl, tiger, bear, snake, and even a dragon. Images of loved ones also came through. The most awkward thing I saw was the face of “Albert Einstein.” It was a short, yet long experience. A four-hour long journey felt like only twenty minutes.

The next day we all had an opportunity to interview with the Shaman. I explained everything I saw to him, and discovered that my body was telling me that I needed to drink more water. Hence, that relaxed sensation of flowing like water. The eyes I saw were related to a stage of my childhood in which I was a victim of bullying; it certainly felt like all eyes were on me during this cruel phase. So deeply hidden in my memory that I didn’t even realize how much it had determined the person I’ve been all this time, and the blockages that were connected to it.

taking-ayahuascaOn day two of the ceremony, once again I began by holding my crystals and feathers, I thanked the plant for its wisdom as I drank, and just waited. As I waited I started to recall an image I had seen from the previous ceremony. It was an image of my partner in front of a table, in which three headless women were sitting on it in black underwear. Before the medicine even started working I began to over-analyze this memory and created my own hell of out of the experience. As the medicine kicked in, negative emotions related to my conclusions had already taken over, and my body started to shiver uncontrollably. When I finally stopped thinking, I no longer shivered. I began having other visions. I saw several pairs of eyes, but this time they seemed like reptilian eyes. I also saw demonic faces, not too scary but unpleasant to the eye. The shaman had said we could try to go inside our body and see if we could find any ailments to work on. I tried taking the journey but couldn’t get past my stomach. There was what seemed like a barrier of exploding red clouds. According to the Shaman this was related to a digestive problem, which I definitely could relate to. The effects of the medicine faded a lot faster this time. The shaman asked if anyone would like to drink some more. I wanted to start all over by taking a second dose, but the medicine took no further effect. The next morning I felt emotionally numb. I could not feel anything negative, nor could I feel anything good. I felt as if I had wasted the ceremony with my critical thinking. I also realized that I had been a bit disrespectful to the medicine by feeling the need to protect myself so much. All the praying, the crystals, the feathers, the expectations, and even the simple rituals such as choosing the right colors to wear, were all unnecessary. How foolish to protect myself against a “medicine.” I had one more ceremony to go, and I was determined to do things differently.

The third and last ceremony was the most transformational and healing experience I had. It started out with the sensation of the medicine circulating through my blood stream as if it were purifying my entire system. I felt how different vibrations harmonized my body. I could feel the rhythm of these vibrations, which were separated by a short lapse of time. My body then felt lighter and began receiving so much oxygen that with each breath there was a cooling sensation, deeply inhaling and exhaling without any effort. Some visions were also present. This time I saw a blue eye inside a triangle with a golden crown on top. This was the “all seeing eye” according to the Shaman. I also felt as if flowers were blooming in the palms of my hands. I had such wonderful healing sensations, and my gratitude was such that I started to cry out of sheer happiness. I cried for a long period until I was all cried out. I saw all of my blessings one image after another, and was told I had discovered the beginning of the “truth.”

Now it has been two weeks since the ceremony and I have felt different ever since. There is a feeling of calmness within me that was not there before. I have also noticed how things that used to trigger certain emotions or reactions no longer do. Even when facing a panicking situation, such as almost being involved in a car wreck, I noticed my reaction was calm without a heightened state of emotion. No draining of energy involved!

mother earth painting
Tribute to “Mother Earth”
Peruvian Hummingbird of Medicine









One of my favorite pastimes is to paint. I mainly paint what I feel and never plan what I paint. As I sat at the dinner table one evening, I had the urge to look up at the wall to view one of my paintings. I had a moment of déjà vu, the realization of how one of my paintings seemed to resemble a premonition of all the things I had just experienced. The painting was 5 years old and I had painted it as a tribute to “mother earth.” It was also painted around the same time of year as the ceremonies had taken place right after Earth Day. The most remarkable thing about this painting is how I depicted “the spirit of mother earth” in the middle of the sphere; a bird like image that looks like the hummingbird at Peru’s sacred Nazca lines.

Every aspect of this painting reminds me of what I have experienced, and the hummingbird is the main link to the medicine and Peru. Not only does it resemble the hummingbird in Nazca, but the Shaman also came from a place that means “land of hummingbirds” in Quechua.

All I can say about Ayahuasca is that it is an ancient and effective medicine. Many refer to the medicine as a “hallucinogen” which is far from the real beauty of this heavenly brew. Ayahuasca opens your energy centers in such a way that all the accumulated baggage is released and healed. I am deeply thankful to the spirits of Ayahuasca, and to Dr. Pio Vucetich for his honesty and love in taking this medicine to many places around the world, and for actively working towards the reforestation of the Amazon and preservation of this medicine; sadly at risk to become extinct.

Delssy’s Kundalini Energy Healing Site:

Dr. Pio Vucetich’s Site (English/Spanish):

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Love and Light to you all! Namaste!

The Modern-Day Shaman


Modern-Day Shaman
Modern-Day Shaman


Natalie Loubier
By: Natalie Loubier






Shamanism is a powerful metamorphic practice that has within it the ability to completely change an individual’s life as well as the whole world, allowing for self-discovery and awakening. For centuries Shamanism has been deeply embedded in traditional cultures rendering its secrets and life-changing potential inaccessible to Western people and the Western psyche.

The founders of Modern Shamanism are skilled shamanic practitioners from our own culture who have successfully helped thousands of people change their lives.  They could see the need for a practice that would bring true and lasting change to people living modern lives.  As a result of this Modern Shamanism was born so that modern people may be guided through a real and true individual path to fulfillment, satisfying any spiritual or personal need. Modern Shamanism allows for intense spiritual and personal growth and life transformation. Shamanic skills benefit us via psychological healing (depression, lack of purpose, lack of direction, loss of well-being, anxiety, worry, pain, and disenchantment with life itself) as well as treating physical, psychosomatic, and mystical illnesses..

You don’t have to leave the modern world to learn Shamanism. You don’t have to try to cross the chasm between modern society and traditional peoples. You don’t have to crush yourself through traditional apprenticeship. Modern Shamanism teaches the skills necessary to forge that spiritual connection and to comprehend the meaning in your life. Shamanism is taught as a practice of principles, not beliefs. These principles are the heart of shamanism. Free of dogma, Modern Shamanism is suited to your life, right now. This discipline would be practiced wherever you find yourself in your normal everyday life. It would require no travel but would be available to the traveler. It would bridge the tremendous gaps between cultures and spiritual disciplines, including different shamanic cultures from around the world. The meaning and connection to life itself would be available all the time. Modern Shamanism is the result.

The Traditional Shaman

The Shamanic way IN
is the ONLY way OUT
Close your eyes
Don’t mess about
Stop wasting time
Start sorting it out
Go into your Mind
Discover Devout
The exit is in YOU
Not in the Sky
You need to look further
Than You currently are
You need to discover
What this life is about
Look over there –
The sign says WAY OUT!


What is a Shaman? How Does One Receive the Calling to Become a Shaman?

A Shaman is a doctor – The Soul Doctor. The Shaman is the Psychic, the Seer, the Healer, one who can move out of this dimension and into other dimensions to retrieve information, to recover soul parts or journey to gain insight. The Shaman works with animal spirits and these are predominant to Shamanism. The Shaman is the only one who is allowed into the Spirit World. Shamanism is at the end of the spiritual pathways and it incorporates all of the Spiritual gifts. Generally Shamans are born to fulfill this purpose and path. A Shaman’s life is considerably harder than others’ lives, this is so the spirits take pity on the Shaman and so help them more in their quests to bring healing to the earth.

“What is happening to me”! “Am I alright”? “Am I different from others”? These three questions often occur in the mind of a person who is spiritually awakening or who is being called to the Shamanic path.

The Shamanic calling or awakening comes in a variety of ways and is felt in the system as energetic fluctuations – A feeling of being part of and honoring the interconnection of all things and beings. Traditionally, a person is called to become a Shaman in different ways. These methods include: through direct transmission from ancestral deities (hereditary transmission), through the potential neophyte (Shaman-to-be) dream receiving instructions by spirits, or through the initiate seeking a teacher to learn from his or her guidance.

Discover Your Animal Totem


“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you”

Job 12:7-8


What is Your Favorite Animal? It is Your Animal Totem.

The Animal Kingdom within our World holds significant meaning. Each animal, bird, insect individually and symbolically represent different aspects of our lives, and when worked with can enhance our lives greatly.

The Animal Spirits appear to work with our subconscious. Firstly, we must recognize our power animal or totem, then understand the symbology of the animal. By learning the signs of nature you gain a far greater understanding of life. By learning the symbology of animals, birds, insects and even plants we enhance our daily lives in such a way that once you’ve understood the symbology of one you’ll want to go on to learn more. The Shamanic eye will naturally draw to nature. Understanding life’s hidden language is a beautiful and harmonious thing. It brings us closer to ourselves and helps us become more tuned to ourselves and our environments.

Furthermore, these animals, plants, ancestors, spirits and personalities help the Shaman work with aspects of the Divine presence. This is possible as everything in creation connected by a web of power and light. This is the reason why Shamanic traditions everywhere honor the elements and natural places of power and beauty.

Reach the Divine!


There are only two ways
to reach the Divine:
Either meditation or love.
Find out which is your way,
Which can be your destiny.




Who May Follow the Shamanic Path?

Traditionally, as a part of the process, the one who is being called falls in a “Divine illness” for a period of time, lasting from a few hours to several years. During this period, the neophyte (Shaman-to-be) feels different from other people, feels isolated or lonely or may feel weak, fearful and sleepless. The person may also suffer a loss of appetite, may be completely distracted, unfocused and feel a loss of joy in life. During this difficult time, the neophyte may have dreamtime visits by the spirits and while awake feel the presence of someone very close, someone calling his or her name and have feelings of being pulled or called away.

In the Eastern view, there are distinct differences in the processes of being called to be a Shaman. The ones selected by the deities, ones who are self-proclaimed Shamans, as well as those who desire to receive shamanic training. The ones selected by deities as well as the self-proclaimed Shamans undergo profound “Divine illnesses,” and usually need less guidance from human-Shaman teachers. Those who would-like-to learn to become a Shaman face less “Divine illnesses,” require much more support from a human-Shaman teacher, as well as more purification, more humility, more collaboration with other healer Shamans, face more obstacles and need more community support.

Shamanic practices were once limited to a certain group of persons, communities or to unique sect. Now many more Shaman teachers from differing traditions and cultural backgrounds are coming out in the larger world to share their experiences and wisdom. At the same time, people whose Shamanic cultural histories have been overshadowed by organized religions are seeking first hand experiences of the deeper truths they feel that have been lying just under the surface. These feelings and sensations are part of the person’s spiritual heritage that may have been suppressed for hundreds of years. Thankfully, with the advent of global communication and technological developments, the free exchange of ancient wisdom and practices is more possible.

People of all ages and backgrounds are dreaming the ancient ways of being into modern life. They are awakening the old memories in new forms that are beneficial to a modern person. Now people ask, “Can we become Shamans”? The answer is “Yes, you can become a Shaman.” First you become your own Shaman and perhaps with great humility and respect can start becoming Shaman for your community and friends.

Spiritual Evolution


New growth gives a brand new smile
It emerges as little and grows for a while
It shows you that life runs the eternal mile
As I look at you – and into your eyes
I see new growth inside that smile….


The Modern Shamanic Experience

We realize that Shamanism is changing. This is the New Way into Consciousness. Ultimately the pathway of Shaman is one that leads to Ascension. The Shamanic path is different things to different people and part of the challenge is how to make your own. It is not an easy path to understand. It is complex, confusing, yet incredibly simple! The scope of Shamanism compared to other paths is much wider.

Something I very often hear with people entering into Shamanism is that they feel disappointed or frustrated with their experiences. Sometimes holding the first phase of the state in which we experience part of a lucid dream or vision, but for whatever reason are not able to go further into that experience. Sometimes I hear “The journey didn’t last long, I only saw a face”. Please realize that every experience is vital, whether it is a long involved journey or a short seemingly insignificant journey. Use the energy of it to propel you into your next journey. Shamanism – It is something you have to keep plugging away at – ‘Trying” generally gets us nowhere but “doing” does. The mind work that has to be done with Shamanism is fairly easy, relaxing and revitalizing on the human system. This part has to be entered over and over and over and doesn’t stop until you Ascend. It is a never ending journey, but a most beautiful one! For the Shaman it’s all about balance of the worlds we travel through, one of top of another surrounded by space and color and the waters of life.

Balancing Worlds We Journey Through



Reach inside
Go into Mind
The Higher States
Of the Conscious Mind!




In recent years many of us began to recognize where the traditional practice of Shamanism needed to change to accommodate the coming times. As mentioned, Modern Shamanism reveals that it is a path that leads to Ascension. At the end of the Shamanic pathway we enter into Kabballah. To Ascend the Human has to come face to face with God or Higher Source. This is not about religion, this is about Shamanism. The main part of Shamanism now is the essential journey into the Mind. The histories of Shamanism are important yes, but no amount of ritual will help you this time around, however entering your Mind will. On your path you’ll learn so many things. Contact with God and creator beings will be prominent.

In Shamanic journeying it isn’t about you controlling your soul, it is about you allowing your soul to guide you. There will be times on your journey when your soul will appear to be stagnant as you will not be able to fly in these moments until your soul has decided what it has to do. It takes energy to understand concepts, and sometimes we simply don’t have that energy available to us. I see that the Universe has no difficulty in communicating, so then it becomes a matter of perception. Further down the path you will understand so much more as your jigsaws merge into place.

The pursuit of knowledge constitutes science, the search for wisdom is philosophy, the love for the Divine and to do the Divine Will is true spirituality, and the hunger for truth is a revelation. However, it is the indwelling Divine spirit within each of us that attaches the feeling of reality to man’s spiritual insight into the Universe.

Peace will come into the hearts of the people when they realize their unity with the Universe.
To realize it they have to journey inside. Our higher-self tries to connect with us just as much as our conscious mind desires to consciously acknowledge this. Our higher self and our conscious mind keep searching for each other and the Universe consistently allows these signals to keep firing until we recognize what it is taking place.

Higher Self & Conscious Mind Seek Each Other


You are a multi-dimensional being
Step up to the next level
Of your spiritual evolution
The energy of the planet is calling
For us all to raise our vibration
Awaken to your life purpose




Life experience is the most valuable learning platform any of us can have. We all have different paths, talents, and skills but the most important attribute for any of us is to be a loving human, to live a life thinking of and helping others. Often the most difficult experiences bring the greatest lessons. If life was easy what would we learn? How would we progress? There is great value in the bad times. Accept them as opportunities to show your strength and courage. You will learn more about yourself, others, and life itself, emerging with greater wisdom, knowledge and spiritual insight. As we spiritually evolve then we can begin to learn and see from a spiritual perspective, although this can be only limited as humans with a finite comprehension of an infinite Universe of cosmic realities. Doesn’t it just change EVERYTHING!? It’s incredible!

Everywhere I look i am inspired….

Love, Enlightenment, Ascension!


The Life is to Journey
To Journey is to be Free
To be Free is to be Love
To love, to become Enlightened is to Ascend
To Ascend is to accept our Wings
To Fly with Wings is to live Eternally…




Trust in yourselves.
Keep your intent clear.
Trust in your Guides.
Enjoy your Shamanic World.
And walk in the name of LOVE.

Love and Light to you all!

Natalie Loubier on Facebook:

Recommended books for the study of Shamanism.
Sandra Ingerman. Soul Retrieval.
Marilyn Tunneshade. Rainbow Serpent.
Wolf Moondance. Rainbow Medicine.
Leo Rutherford. Your Shamanic Path.
Kenneth Meadows. The Medicine Way.
Michael Harner. The Way of the Shaman.
Robert Moss. Dreamgates.
Robert Moss. Conscious Dreaming.